Scam alert

Scam alert
scam alert

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This is a SCAM!

Email message

From: Cliford Associate & Solicitors < >
Fri, 6 Feb 2009 11:38 pm

Senior Advocate, International Legal Practitioner
Clifford chambers & Financial Attorney
Address: 89, Rue Du Sio
Telephone: 00 228 919 7007

Joint cresent Mountain Island Lome Togo


This is an official legal notice of an unclaimed fund left by Engr. Richard D. Somoso, who died as a result of an industrial accident in his energy & gas exploration company on the 17th December 2006.

As the former official/personal attorney of the deceased and witness of fact of this subject matter, I hereby solicit for your immediate response and positive committed efforts to facilitate the fund remittal of total sum $12.5 million.

This fund was left behind in a financial institution by my late client. Upon your positive response to this covenant, I will make all necessary information known to you, including the name of the bankers and modes to the repatriation of this fund. Kindly get in touch with me through my email address for more guidelines to the repatriation of this fund.

May his fragile soul rest in perfect peace, Amen!!!

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Nana Clifford,
Attorney at Law.

Makisig Bayani
I am a collector of scam emails and pubsliedh them here.. Do you want to be part of this cause, leave us message.

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  1. Yup, got one of these recently myself. Identical to the word, save for the name, which instead bore my husband's surname.

    If the people who come up with, and send out, such scam letters would put even half their efforts into something more useful & productive, wow! What a better world we would have!

  2. Stessa emeil ricevuta su Facebook
    Identica come sopra.
    Ma nn si puo risalire uno QUESTI Balordi truffatori?

  3. Got exactly the same thing... but i told him to first send me hes solicitor/attorney card before i send him any details... he then sent it..Johndson Mawudeka reg number: Kc/008747.. i then called the law society to verify and they advised me of this scam... BE CAREFUL PLS!!

  4. hi i got a mail as well off him but called him self MR Chucks Nad the clients name was Richard D Booth but i found his IP address

  5. found his home address and sent him a copy of his scam letter in a differant name that he sent me so lets se wat he says

  6. Ich bekam heute ebenfalls solch eine Mail per Facebook - Betreff: good day (mein Name) - Mailinhalt war identisch (siehe oben), nur der Nachname wurde in meinen abgeändert - die Mail kam von chuks Daniel (!
    Ich finde dass echt eine Frechheit - eigentlich müsste man gegen so etwas rechtlich vorgehen...

  7. i must thank atty. kelven daniel, i chance to be a millionaire though it did not materilize but at least he made me smile.. and dream to the highest level he.he.he

  8. to me he became Mr. Richard Karapetyan.
    great persoon ha ha ha

  9. From Facebook: This is an official legal notice of an unclaimed fund left by Engr Bernard , who died as a result of an industrial accident in his energy & gas exploration company on the 20th August 2006.

    As the former official/personal attorney of the deceased and witness of fact of this subject matter, I hereby solicit for your immediate response and positive committed efforts to facilitate the fund remittal of total sum $17. 8 million.

    May his fragile soul rest in perfect peace, Amen!!!

    If you want to know more, get back to me so I will give you more information to proceed.

    Yours Sincerely

    Senior Advocate, International Legal Practitioner
    Ahmed chambers & Financial Attorney
    Joint cresent Mountain Island Lome Togo
    Reply to my private e-mail :

  10. Got th same message on facebook.....crazy!

    Moudud sent you a message.

    Moudud AhmedNovember 4, 2010 at 5:49pm
    Subject: Dear Frank

    Dear Frank,

    This is an official legal notice of an unclaimed fund left by Engr Bernard D. who died as a result of an industrial accident in his energy & gas exploration company on the 20th August 2006.

    As the former official/personal attorney of the deceased and witness of fact of this subject matter, I hereby solicit for your immediate response and positive committed efforts to facilitate the fund remittal of total sum $17. 8 million.

    May his fragile soul rest in perfect peace, Amen!!!

    If you want to know more, get back to me so I will give you more information to proceed.

    Yours Sincerely

    Senior Advocate, International Legal Practitioner
    Ahmed chambers & Financial Attorney
    Joint cresent Mountain Island Lome Togo
    Reply to my private e-mail :
