Scam alert

Scam alert
scam alert

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mr. Ono Choji from Japan a business commercialist in Africa regions


Beware! This is a Scam!


-----Original Message-----
From: Salam Abubakar [ ]
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 11:28 PM
To: undisclosed recipients:


Dear One,


I am Salam Abubakar, i work in the Audit/Remittance department of Societe Generale Bank of Burkina (S.G.B.B)

I have a business which will profit both of us, the amount of money involved is ($18.5 million US dollars) which i want to transfer out of my country to your account all to my financial benefits and yours too.


This money is owned by the late customer of our bank Mr Ono Choji from Japan a business commercialist in Africa regions, he as been dead since eight years ago and since then no claim has been placed on his bank account balance.

I want to transfer this money out of the country but such fund could be transferred in these way, the money will be transfer to your account as the business associate to the deceased person (Mr Ono Choji) as details shall be that you are the care-taker and business associate to Mr Ono Choji and his properties. I shall make available to you materials and information with which a successful claim shall be placed on the fund.


I shall be your guidiance and instructor throughout the duration of the this transaction so as to ensure a smooth transfer of the fund to your account, the maximum days for all this process will be 7 working day, within this time the money will have been in your account.

As to your benefits, you shall be entitle to 45% of this money for your co-operation in the transaction, while 5% will be set aside for any expenses both of us may have incured during the course of this transaction.

Please keep this proposal as top secret and delete if you are not interested, but if you are interested reply immediately with


Your name...........................................





Phone number.........................................


Best Regards,

Salam Abubakar. Feeds
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