Scam alert

Scam alert
scam alert

Sunday, October 22, 2017

ELS English Teacher Needed

Beware! This is a scam!. Do not try to reply his email or else your inbox would full of scam messages including virus.
Once you reply this person, he will use your personal information and photo in making a new form of scam.
He will also use your email address in making a scam and ask the recipient to reply his other email. This could destroy the reliability of your email account in the future. If you could receive email like this, just ignore it..
-----Original Message-----
From: drkuang jiahui [mailto:  ]
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:24 PM
Subject: English Teacher Needed

Dear Teacher *******,
I am  Dr. Kuang JiaHui of XiangZhou District, Zhuhai city. I worked with  XiangZhou People's Hospital  before I relocate to Chester Road WA6 OHY United Kimgdom few months ago and right now, I am in search of a professional  International English Language teacher who can take my 2 kids, young and Niu in  English classes I want you to know that i currently have someone who takes them English but he is not dedicating much time that i want my family to be giving, he has another job which doesn't make him have enough time for teaching.
My family are thereby not progressing in English which is the much more reason i prefer to hire someone who will relocate and will be able to teach and at the same time access there learning.
The job is for one year so that they could adapt well in English before i will enroll them into private schools here.
My Kids are my treasure so I offer to pay you 3,500.00 GBP if you will take up this position.  I will provide you an Accommodation, furnished with a Television Set, and Internet Ready computer. A vehicle will be available also for Mobility if you can Drive.
I need your updated resume for me to discuss more about you with my family and also talk to your references. Applicant Must be willing to relocate.
Submit CV/resume to :   

Dr Kuang
B252, Paul Robeson House                         
1 Penton Rise                                             
London, WC1X9EH                

Makisig Bayani
I am a collector of scam emails and pubsliedh them here.. Do you want to be part of this cause, leave us message.

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