Scam alert

Scam alert
scam alert

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Professional Banker Adama Ali Million fund Transfer

BEware! This is a SCAM!

--- On Wed, 3/16/11, Adama Ali < > wrote:

From: Adama Ali < >
Subject: From: Mr. Adama Ali
Received: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 4:43 AM

From: Mr. Adama Ali
Country: Burkina Faso 
Occupation: Professional Banker 
Position: Foreign Remittance Director
Hello Dear,

How are you doing? With hope all is alright.

Please treat this message strictly confidential and do not be surprise over this unexpected and sudden communication to you. I got your contact from a reliable international directory where I decided to choose you as to assist me pull into your account the sum of Five Million, Six hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($5.600,000.00) from our bank.
The beneficiary of this account died (May his soul rest in peace) with his family 6 years ago in a Kenya Plane Crash 2003, and no body were officially intestated to stand for the claim as the next of kin.
Therefore, I need your attention and trust so we can make a two man deal in order to move this fund to your account and once the fund is transferred into your account, every chapter of this deal will be sealed. Before we can achieve this successfully, you should apply to our bank as the business partner/extended relative to the deceased. Nevertheless, I will use my good office to ensure that my bank granted urgent approval for the release of this fund to you immediately.
Hence the fund is released; I will resign quickly to join you over there in your country for disbursement of the fund. I will tell you what will be your share on your response to this message and we have to start the process immediately to avoid our bank to send the fund to central bank of Burkina Faso as an unknown beneficiary and unclaimed fund.
I am waiting for your response through my private email
Yours truly.

Mr. Adama Ali

Makisig Bayani
I am a collector of scam emails and pubsliedh them here.. Do you want to be part of this cause, leave us message.

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